This is one of the biggest questions I receive and the answer can be confusing for those who are new to hiring a professional videographer. I want to bring clarity to this question so you can make the best decision for your situation.

How Much Does it Cost?

I offer 3 ways for you to manage your costs:


Monthly Retainer

There’s no doubt, hiring my team on an ongoing, monthly retainer will provide you the greatest reward and value. The amount of freedom you’ll experience having a professional videographer at your fingertips will have you feeling like a CHAMP!


One-Time Shoot

If you have a one-time need for a video project that requires both crew and gear, I offer several different packages to meet the most common needs. These are not as discounted as our retainer packages, but they are more cost-effective than à la carte pricing.


À La Carte Crew or Gear

Sometimes you just need that last missing piece of the puzzle. Maybe it’s a Field Producer, a Camera Operator, or a PA? I can help you fill individual crew roles as you need them. Rates are based on the current market value of Union and Non-Union video professionals across the United States.

Option 1

Ongoing, Monthly Retainer

Any combination of services can be applied towards your monthly retainer. This allows COMPLETE FLEXIBILITY for you to get the help where you need it most.

Services Include:
•Creative collaboration and storyboarding
•Script development
•Pre-production for shoots
•Video production (Includes crew and equipment)
•Still photography (Includes crew and equipment)
•Video editing
•Video graphics
•Still photography editing
•Media Management
•Formatting of finished product for various platforms


$2,500 | Month

Instantly Increase your creative powers and start saving 5% right away!  This offer is perfect for small businesses who are ready to grow.

  • A 5% discount will be applied to all labor.

  • • Contracts are available for 3, 6, and 12 months.
    • Hours must be used within the length of the term.
    • Billing occurs once a month.
    • Any expenses incurred (i.e. travel, stock music, stock images, etc) will be billed separately at time of purchase.


$3,500 | Month

Business is picking up and you need more help.  Along with more help comes more discounts! Increase your savings to 10%.

  • A 10% discount will be applied to all labor.

  • • Contracts are available for 3, 6, and 12 months.
    • Hours must be used within the length of the term.
    • Billing occurs once a month.
    • Any expenses incurred (i.e. travel, stock music, stock images, etc) will be billed separately at time of purchase.


$4,500 | Month

You’re not quite ready to go Pro but you’re getting there.  This level offers a deep savings of 15%.  You can take that to the bank!

  • A 15% discount will be applied to all labor.

  • • Contracts are available for 3, 6, and 12 months.
    • Hours must be used within the length of the term.
    • Billing occurs once a month.
    • Any expenses incurred (i.e. travel, stock music, stock images, etc) will be billed separately at time of purchase.


$5,500 | Month

The most number of hours at the BIGGEST discount!  Save 20% on EVERYTHING.  For those who have the greatest need and want the most attention.

  • A 20% discount will be applied to ALL LABOR. This is the most significant discount.

  • • Contracts are available for 6, 12, and 24 months.
    • Hours must be used within the length of the term.
    • Billing occurs once a month.
    • Any expenses incurred (i.e. travel, stock music, stock images, etc) will be billed separately at time of purchase.

Option 2

One-Time Package Pricing

Do you have a one-time shoot coming up and you need a crew with gear? You can reach Shaun at (816) 333-1111.

Whether you’re acquiring footage for social media, you need interviews and b-roll for a corporate video, or you’re producing content for a cable or network television show — I have you covered!

I’ve made a wonderful, successful career serving clients just like you and I have the experience and resources to create and deliver what you need.

See packages below:

  • Social Media Package

    Imagine having high-quality, influential content for your social media channels so you can connect with your audience and outshine your competition! With this package, we utilize some basic techniques to raise your production value so your picture and sound quality enhance your message.

    We can provide this service for a one-time event or on an on-going, monthly basis so you no longer have to worry about creating social media content. Instead, you can focus on what you do best in your business and let us handle this for you.

    Contact us for a one-time quote. Deeper discounts are available for ongoing, monthly production.

  • 2-Person Crew Package

    This is our most requested package. It’s designed for broadcast television interviews and b-roll, corporate communications, and digital marketing content. We’ve taken a balanced approach between cost-effectiveness and high-quality imaging techniques so you can receive incredible footage that is also mindful of your budget.

    If you’re looking for value without compromising on quality, and you want a smooth and enjoyable filming experience, our “2-Person Crew” package is for you!

    Contact us for a one-time quote. Deeper discounts are available for ongoing, monthly production.

  • Multi-Camera Package

    When single-camera interviews aren’t enough, clients select this package. The second camera creates visual interest in the final edit. We can offer this package with one operator, or add a second camera operator to create some camera movement in the B-Cam during the interview. This second operator also helps acquire additional b-roll footage.

    With this package, we’ll also integrate the creative use of prime lenses to elevate the overall production value of your footage. The end result will be a more cinematic look and feel to your video.

    Contact us for a one-time quote. Deeper discounts are available for ongoing, monthly production.

Option 3

À La Carte, Individual Pricing

Allow me to customize a production package to meet your individual needs — whatever they are.

Do you need additional crew members in the camera, lighting, sound, or production department? I can handle that. Do you need a larger lighting package? I’ve got you covered. Does your shoot require aerial shots? No problem.

In addition to working behind the lens, I also assists many clients as their Production Manager. I’ll collaborate with you so you can lean on my experience to meet the demands and unique circumstances of your production.

Rest easy and end all of your problems with one call by letting me customize a tailored, à la carte package just for you.

Rates are based on the current market value of Union and Non-Union video professionals across the United States.


Current Market Value of Union and Non-Union Video Professionals Across the United States

Pay range for a Producer is between $450 - $900 per day.

Minimum pay for a DP / Cinematographer begins at $800 per day.
(DPs may be paid significantly more based on experience, production city, and higher budget. It’s important to note that a KIT RENTAL for camera, camera support, lenses, and tech package will be an additional negotiated cost.)

Minimum pay for a camera operator begins at $600 per day.
(Camera Operators may be paid more based on experience, production city, and higher budget.)

Minimum pay for a Sound Mixer begins at $500 per day.
(Sound Mixers may be paid more based on experience, production city, and higher budget. It’s important to note that a KIT RENTAL for mixer and microphones will be an additional negotiated cost.)

Minimum pay for a Gaffer begins at $500 per day.
(Gaffers may be paid more based on experience, production city, and higher budget. You will also pay a KIT RENTAL for the grip and lighting gear.)

Minimum pay for a Grip begins at $400 per day.

Minimum pay for a makeup artist begins at $450 per day.
(It’s important to note a KIT RENTAL is usually an additional negotiated cost. It's likely you will pay a Makeup Artist more based on experience, production city, and higher budget.)

Pay range for a Production Assistant is between $200 - $300 per day.