Have you ever found money lying in the street?

Have you ever been walking down a sidewalk or along the edge of a roadway and found money lying in the street?  If so, did you leave it or did you pick it up?

You picked it up! Of course!

And when you did you were probably so excited that you didn’t want to check to see if it might belong to someone else nearby.  After all, it was YOUR lucky day!  Hopefully you’ve had that experience and hopefully you ended up getting to keep the money!

The information I’m about to give you is like finding free money lying in the street.  It feels that good.

I’m excited to introduce you to a game-changing opportunity to cut video production costs without jeopardizing the QUALITY of work being done or limiting the CAPABILITY of the crew you hire.

Imagine reducing your production expenses without compromising your creative aspirations.  It’s not a dream, it's a reality when Scene2 is at the wheel.

Introducing your ROAD to savings…

In the fast-paced world of video production travel is a necessity.  You never know where the next shoot will be — but that doesn't mean it has to break the bank.


Airfare, baggage fees, airport transfers, and unexpected delays can all contribute to escalating travel costs.  But what if there was a smarter way to travel the crew you know and trust so they can cover your shoots in multiple cities without ruining your budget?

Here's how my team can literally drive value into your production:


By allowing me and my team to drive to your production location instead of flying, you instantly eliminate multiple costs associated with airfare, checked baggage fees, skycaps, luggage carts, and airport transfers.  Say goodbye to fluctuating ticket prices and unexpected expenses.  Instead, a lot of costs are completely eliminated and 2-3 people can travel in our production van for the same cost as 1.  You can’t do that with an airplane ticket!


While flying might seem faster on paper, the reality is that the time it takes to pack video gear for flying, arriving early for security checks, dealing with layovers, and potential delays can quickly erode your time savings.  Not to mention, it wastes more time on set having to unpack everything.

On the contrary, with me at the wheel you'll enjoy uninterrupted productivity, meaning you’ll avoid time wasted at the airport and have more time with me and my crew on set.


Production schedules can change at a moment's notice.  When we drive, you have complete control of our schedule.  There’s no plane to catch at the end of a production day.  This has come in HUGE for some of my clients who’ve needed me to stay on set a couple extra hours or an extra day due to a hiccup in the production schedule, or they’ve needed me to get from one location to the next with little time and limited flight options between.

Driving made adjusting to these circumstances incredibly simple.  By driving, I can adapt to your needs, ensuring you make the most of every opportunity, whether it's a last-minute change of the talent’s availability or an opportunity to create some unexpected additional b-roll.


Forget about the hassle of packing light to avoid baggage fees.  When we’re in our production van, we can bring EVERYTHING you need without ANY added costs.  I can’t stress this enough.  You gain access to our entire bag of tricks when we drive!  That means more cameras, more lighting, and more of those little things that we use to solve BIG problems on set.

You will really appreciate the benefit of having our full production package on hand. The end result will be noticeable.

So, explore the road to savings and let me be your partner in cost-effective travel.  It’s truly like finding free money lying in the street — and you get to keep it!

In order to help you quickly put numbers to your travel savings when you work with me at Scene2, I’ve outlined the mileage costs to some of the locations that we work in.  You can view them on the map and then see the cost below.

Road to Savings with Scene2


We shoot in these cities as single-day shoots.  No travel day required.

Topeka, KS  1 Hour

Manhattan, KS  2 Hours

Columbia, MO  2 Hours

Des Moines, IA  2.5 Hours

Omaha, NE  2.5 Hours


2-3 person crew traveling together with FULL gear package including cameras, sound, grip, and lighting.  Compare the mileage costs below to 2-3 airline tickets + baggage fees + skycaps + luggage carts + car rental.

Wichita, KS  3 Hours   (Mileage Estimate: $280.00)

Springfield, MO  3 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $235.00)

Bentonville, AR  3 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $300.00)

Lincoln, NE  3 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $256.00)

St. Louis, MO  4 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $335.00)

Tulsa, OK  4 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $375.00)

Hays, KS  4.0 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $365.00)

Cedar Rapids, IA  4.5 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $405.00)

Oklahoma City, OK  5 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $475.00)

Sioux Falls, SD  5.5 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $475.00)

Dodge City, KS  5.5 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $458.00)

Peoria, IL  5.5 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $485.00)

Champaign, IL  5.75 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $498.00)

Dubuque, IA  5.75 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $485.00)

Minneapolis, MN  6 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $554.00)

Paducah, KY  6.5 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $554.00)

Indianapolis, IN  7 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $642.00)

Madison, WI  7 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $602.00)

Memphis, TN  7.5 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $605.00)

Louisville, KY  7.5 Hours  (Mileage Estimate: $665.00)

When flying a crew with gear, luggage fees typically run in the range of $300 - $500 EACH WAY due to all the equipment cases — even after media credential savings have been applied.  So, it quickly becomes evident that the costs associated with flying far exceed the cost of driving.  The difference is jaw-dropping and could really help you save expenses on your next production.

Feel free to reach out if you’d like more information on how I can add tremendous value to your projects by covering more of your shooting locations in our production van.

Don’t leave money lying in the street. PICK IT UP — it’s yours to keep!

Shaun Cloud

I am a video Producer, Director of Photography, and Entrepreneur who enjoys creating art and business.